Dare The Bear 2021

Have you always wanted to see one of your friends do something funny, daring, or silly? Here’s your chance! Participate in the Dare The Bear Challenge for September (Childhood Cancer Awareness Month) to raise money, spread awareness, and have fun all at the same time!!! Keep reading to see a sample post and instructions on how to participate. Or, if you’d like to see a version of the instructions that includes Ted, check out the graphic in this post! 🐻🎗️🐻🎗️

How-To Dare The Bear:
1. Share this post. (Add a donate button for Childhood Cancer Society)
2. Declare your participation. (See sample post in post language)
3. In the comments, friends submit dare requests with their donation bids.
4. Record and post your fulfilled dares, tag friend making the request, add donate button for CCS at the bottom of the post. Friends MUST honor the donation amount.

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